DARE: Disable the Barriers

DARE: DisAble the barRiErs is a 24 month-project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme that aims to empower youth organizations and youth workers into implementing more inclusive mobility projects for young people with disabilities, through 4 innovative products:

  • DARE Practical Guide for Inclusion: a Manual for youth workers, trainers, and educators.
  • DARE Digital Handbook of Empowerment: a product designed for young people and young people with visual/auditive/physical disabilities who wish to become DARE Ambassadors.
  • The Truth and DARE e-learning platform: a self-learning and communication space designed for both young people and youth workers to learn, connect, and exchange ideas on how to implement inclusive youth exchanges.
  • DARE mobile app: created specifically for the needs of young people with visual/auditive/physical disabilities who want to explore all the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + Programme.


The project’s duration has been extended in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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