European project

Located in Pisa, Italy, AFORISMA is a social cooperative founded in 2006 and specialized in lifelong learning. It is officially recognized by the Regional and National Governments as a VET Provider and as an Employment Agency. It is a part of the ACLI (Italian Workers’ Christian Association) network, one of the most important in Italy for vocational training.

Every year about 600 people are involved in over 30 training courses and career guidance activities. Training courses are organized for many different target groups, including adult learners, youth (16-29), NEETs, workers in the sanitary and care sector, University professors, teachers, and other professionals. Many of its activities are addressed to young people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion and are carried out on behalf of public services. Aforisma obtained an ISO 9001 certification for training services and follows a strong internal quality policy, offering high-quality services for promoting the individual growth of attendees.

AFORISMA is dedicated to foster international, cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary cooperation in Pisa, Tuscany, and the European Union, promoting the importance of civic and European values and the active participation of citizens through formal and non-formal education methodologies.

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European Projects
24 mesi
01/02/22 - 31/01/24
{Training expired}

STIT: Smart Tools for Inclusive Teaching in VET

Introduction:   The STIT project is co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus Plus programme with the aim of providing innovative tools and in-depth opportunities for vocational education and training (VET) staff. Training materials will be available free of charge on the STIT platforms to improve teachers’ competences related to accessibility and inclusion of students …

European Projects
30 months
15/02/19 - 14/08/21
{Training expired}

DARE: Disable the Barriers

DARE: DisAble the barRiErs is a 24 month-project financed by the Erasmus+ Programme that aims to empower youth organizations and youth workers into implementing more inclusive mobility projects for young people with disabilities, through 4 innovative products: DARE Practical Guide for Inclusion: a Manual for youth workers, trainers, and educators. DARE Digital Handbook of Empowerment: …

European Projects
30 months
01/10/18 - 31/03/21
{Training expired}

SCALE Project

Student Centred Adult Learning Engagement in Higher Education (SCALE) is a project aimed at supporting lecturers delivering degree level courses in universities, colleges and other educational providers. It is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project will explore how lecturers are supported and equipped to meet students’ learning needs in Higher …

European Projects
25 months
01/10/18 - 31/10/20
{Training expired}


“Exchange of Best Practices in workplace inclusion of women with disabilities” (Work Inclusion), funded by the European Commission, aims at upgrading the skills and competences of mentors working with people with disabilities in order to enhance their inclusion in any workplace. Work Inclusion promotes the exchange of best practices and knowledge on workplace inclusion between …

European Projects
01/02/18 - 31/01/20
{Training expired}


VIP-TECH-JOB aims to empower young visually impaired people (VIP) in their quest to find a job through social media and to prepare them for a job interview via online and face-to-face trainings. The project’s objectives include: to equip young VIP with soft skills necessary for job interviews via online training courses; to empower and support …

European Projects
24 months
01/09/17 - 30/09/19
{Training expired}

Network of SES

NETWORK OF SES “Innovative tools for supported employment specialists” is a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Plus Programme key action “Adult Education”. The objective is to promote the development of professional skills of the so-called Supported Employment Specialists (SES), i.e. specialists in support to the employment of people with disabilities through …

European Projects
30 ore
01/06/17 - 31/05/19
{Training expired}


“Work-based Entrepreneurship Training for People with Disabilities” (WOT) is a project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key Action 2 “Adult Education”. This project promotes key competences and entrepreneurial skills through an innovative methodology based on job shadowing, mentoring and coaching for people with physical disabilities who want to become entrepreneurs …

European Projects
30 hours
01/01/13 - 30/06/18
{Training expired}

ESES Project

“Designing the Competence Profile of the European Supported Employment Specialists” (ESES) is an international project co-funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning “Leonardo da Vinci” Programme. ESES Project aims to define the required skills, training and validation tools for the professional profile of Supported Employment Specialists and to design a common EU framework …