VIP Project

The “VIP awareness raising project on unemployment (VIP)” Project was funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus Plus Programme, Key-Action 2 (Cooperation, Innovation and exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships) in the Youth Sector.

The project, which involves vocational training centers and associations from Belgium, France, Italy and Germany, aims to facilitate the employment of blind and visually impaired people. In order to promote the exchange of good practices, each partner in the project has hosted a young worker with visual impairments from one of the other partner countries.

Aforisma hosted Nina Odenius, from Germany, for 3 months (September-December 2016) who supported the team in the organization and the realization of awareness actions on the territory. Nina also attended an Italian course at the University of Pisa and was involved in personal autonomy and orientation courses with two experts in the field.

Project partners
Views International
DBSW Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V.
Istituto Rittmeyer
Società Cooperativa A.FO.RI.S.MA.

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